The Trinity Loop has Arrived

The Trinity Loop has Arrived.

Last week, Barcelona based artist, Anaisa Franco, arrived in Ireland to begin installation of the Trinity Loop in Scoil Phádraig.
Anaisa has been working on this interactive art piece for over 2 years, so it has been great to finally meet her and to see her amazing work unfolding.
With the assistance of local landscape contractor, Damien McCarty, since arriving last Tuesday, Anaisa has already assembled the artwork in our PE Hall.
This week the Trinity Loop will be moved outside, to be the fabulous centre piece of our school garden.
Some of the boys in the school have already had the opportunity to meet with Anaisa and chat about the project.
Well done to the following boys, whose colour schemes Anaisa was able to draw inspiration from, in deciding the final colours of the Trinity Loop:

Riley 0’ Connor
Sean Madden
Donnchadh McManus
Duccio Rossi
Ishan Kumar
Matthew Williams
Noah McCluskey
Daniel Lanigan
Wayne McDonagh
Finn Doody
James O’Reilly
James O’Reilly Yarrow
Cian Oliver

We look forward to the completion of the Trinity Loop this week, and as well as being a visually amazing piece of art, the boys will also get many years of fun out of interacting with the piece.

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